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Discover Our Expertise

Whatever your ecological needs as a business are, we're here to help. With years of experience our team offer the drive and resources that your business needs to go green and save you money.


With a proven track record we can help you, no matter where you are in the world

Windmills on green field


Green Energy Procurement

Achieve Your Green Energy Goals

With a wealth of experience, our staff have the capabilities and expertise to take your business to the next level. At Ray Energy Ltd, we combine our industry insights and skills in negotiation to create bespoke pricing from many suppliers, ensuring you not only get the very best prices, but the energy sourced is green so you are doing your bit for the environment. We’re proud to help shape and improve how our clients structure and manage their carbon footprint.

Beach Cleaning


Carbon Offsetting

Managing your carbon footprint

Our team can help manage your remaining carbon footprint by investing in carbon offsetting projects from biomass conservation in Malawi to fuel efficient stoves in India. We can let you know what your options are. Any organization can move forward with small incremental changes, but building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving environment means taking bold chances and making insightful decisions.

Industrial Smoke


Cabon Neutral Mapping

Expert Guidance

Need help planning and executing your path to carbon neutrality?

The UK’s Net Zero Target is one of the most ambitious in the world and will require the UK to bring all Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) to Net Zero by 2050.


The transition to a zero carbon economy poses drastic technical, commercial and cultural challenges to address innovation gaps across industry, transport, energy generation and the built environment.


Ray Energy’s expert team will work with your company to understand every aspect of your energy consumption and create a bespoke road map that details your step by step guide to your carbon neutrality goals.


Our involvement in your carbon reduction journey is entirely based on your needs and we offer a range of options to suit your requirements and budget.

Business Meeting



Grow Your Business

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) is the UK Government's name for the replacement legislation to a number of  programmes covering energy and carbon reporting and taxation. 


If your business matches two of the following criteria then you are legally obligated to report


-  250 employees or more

- Annual turnover of more than £36m

- Annual balance sheet of over £18m 


We start by examining and calculating an organizations Carbon footprint and  then suggest Key Performance Indicators for our clients so that they can work on reducing their carbon footprint. 


We can take this one step further for you by procuring green energy for your business and get you set up with carbon offsetting projects for the rest.


Get in touch to learn more about how this service can help you.




Achieve Your Goals

The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is a mandatory energy assessment scheme, introduced by the UK government to make sure large enterprises in the UK are energy efficient.


If your company satisfied the following criteria then they must submit an ESOS report:


- More than 250 Employees

- Has a annual turnover of more than £44,845,000 and a balance sheet total of £38,566,700



Under the scheme, large organisations are required to assess their energy usage every 4 years and to find new ways to save energy.


Many companies have yet to complete phase two and as such are incurring heavy fines from the Environment agency that accumulate interest daily.


We can negotiate with the Environment Agency on your behalf to, in the very least, freeze those charges whilst we rapidly make your company compliant. 


Phase three began at the start of 2023, book in with us now so that we ensure your company remains compliant!

European Parliament


European Energy Efficency Dirctive


Each member state of the EU was required to submit a National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) to outline the measures they  implemented to improve energy efficiency and their expected and/or achieved energy savings. In addition, member states are required to report annually on progress toward their national targets. The policy requirements in the directive are minimum obligations and member states may introduce more stringent measures.


The following categories are covered by the directive:

  • Energy efficiency targets

  • Building renovation

  • An exemplary role for public buildings

  • Energy efficiency obligation schemes

  • Energy audits and energy management systems

  • Metering and billing information systems and the right to access this data

  • Consumer information and empowerment

  • Promotion of efficiency in heating and cooling

  • Energy transformation, transmission, and distribution

  • Availability of qualification, accreditation, and certification schemes

  • Information and training

  • energy services

  • an energy efficiency national fund, financing, and technical support

  • their measures to promote energy efficiency


This may seem daunting but again, Ray are here to help. With fully qualified assessors backed up by a fantastic team we can help you become compliant. 


We know that each member state has submitted their own NEEAP but we can work with any member state to make you fully compliant

©2021 by Ray Energy Ltd Company Reg No: 1316 8888


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02045 382 512

1 coldbath square, london EC1R 5HL

Suite 200, 710 Lakeway Drive, Sunnyvale, California,

94085, USA

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